High Specialty Wires Addressing Both The Concerns Have Been Produced.
Primaly antirodent antiter mite master batches/cables produced to circumvent short circuiting leading to fires consequently incineration of pvc releasing halogens and carbon into environment.
Secondly high specialty medium voltage cables ,flame resistant radiation resistant (100 m rads) multicore cables have been produced which find extensive application as nuclear cables in nuclear power plants and radiation environment .(cern , radiation sterilisation facilities).
Their excellence, cost effective nature makes these ideally suitable for use in small output nuclear power plants especially being installed in developing countries.
These are environment friendly because these don’t burn (having flame resistant) and also don’t have halogen in formulation. Hence addition of carbon and halogen both is avoided.
The production of the master batches commenced in the year 1998 and manufacture of zhls flame resistant, radiation resistant , low voltage , multicore power and control cables was started in year 2018. Coaxial cables rg213 ,rg58, rg59, etc. Have also been produced and supplied since year 2020.